The Chattanooga Arboretum and Nature Center, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and the Tennessee Aquarium are joining forces to host the annual BioBlitz in Chattanooga. This event is held in many cities across the nation. Chattanooga is one of the first cities in Tennessee to participate. A BioBlitz is part contest, part festival, part educational event, and part scientific endeavor. The Chattanooga BioBlitz brings together scientists and other nature-oriented organizations from across the region in a race against time to see how many species can be counted in a 24-hour biological survey of Chattanooga Arboretum and Nature Center's 300 acres. The public also participates by observing the scientists at work, interacting with them, and participating in educational activities provided by local nature-oriented organizations. The children and adults of our community gain many benefits from this event:
In the three years of conducting the BioBlitz there have been as many as 693 species of plants and animals that were identified through the combined efforts of up to 105 scientists and volunteers. As many as 171 people have attended a variety of educational programs. At Chattanooga BioBlitz 2010, the vascular plant team found a Lesser Yellow Lady slipper flower which is the first record for Hamilton County. You never know what exciting thing will be found by the team of scientists. We hope that this year will be the best BioBlitz yet! Thanks to our Sponsors! |