Upcoming Events & Programs

  Please call (423) 821-1160 ext. 0 to register for our programs!



Adult Education - School of the Field and Woods at Reflection Riding


Family Programs

Snake ID
Date:  Saturday, June 15
Time:  2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. 
Cost:  Free for members; Free with admission for non-members
Tis the season to see snakes in the wild! Join Wildlife Curator, Tish Gailmard, to learn about the snakes who live in our area and how to ID them. Participants will have an opportunity to view our captive snakes up close and personal.

Fairy Houses are Hot!
Date: Saturday, June 29 
Time:  10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Cost:  $10 per family for members; $15 per family for non-members 
We’ll learn a little bit about how fairy houses started, and then you'll receive a chest of fairy gold so you can buy building and decorating materials in the fairy market place. You and your fellow builders will explore the Arboretum grounds for just the right site, collecting Nature’s “cast off’s” along the way. (Nothing is ever picked to build a fairy house. The fairies wouldn’t like that!)

Feel free to bring natural materials from home if you like, but remember that they’ll have to stay here. When you’re finished with your house, we’ll take a photo to post on our website and to email to you. 

Adult Programs

Nature Hikers-Get Out!
Date: Saturday, June 15
Time: 9:00 am to 10:30 am
Cost:  Free for members; $10 for nonmembers
Let's "Get Out" for a hike! On the third Saturday of every month, adult walkers and hikers, who would like to hit the trail, are invited to put on walking shoes, grab a water bottle and a snack, and come for an early morning hike through Reflection Riding. This moderate walk of 3.5 miles will last an hour and a half—weather permitting. Register for the hike at cncnaturehikers@yahoo.com. 

A Forest Bathing Retreat
Date: Friday, June 21- Saturday, June 22
Time: Friday from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm; Satuday 7:30 am to 11:30 am
Cost:  Suggested donation of $25
Forest Bathing involves taking in, with all of our senses, the forest atmosphere. Through understanding Mindfulness, Connections with Nature, and Sustainable Living, this retreat will introduce participants to methods they can use to decrease their experience of stress while increasing delight of their senses. Participants will learn from nature how to live a simpler, more holistic and joyous life through:

  • Understanding how nature immersion benefits us physically, mentally and spiritually
  • In-depth exploration of our harmonious connection with the Earth
  • Practices of mindful walking, nature journaling, meditation, and sense exploration

Holli Richey, MS, LMSW, RH(AHG) is a mindfulness-based psychotherapist and herbalist practicing at the Center for Integrative Medicine in Chattanooga. 
Yong Oh, L.Ac, MSAc is a licensed acupuncturist at Om Acupuncture Center in Chattanooga. Oh teaches mindfulness classes at the Center for Mindful Living.
Jean Lomino, Ph.D.,is Executive Director of the Chattanooga Arboretum & Nature Center at Reflection Riding. Lomino has taught nature journaling and outdoor education to hundreds of people for over 20 years.

Open Air Yoga
Date: Saturday, June 29 
Time:  10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Cost:  $30 for members; $35 for non-members 
Instructor: Anita GaddyStretch, breathe, and reconnect with nature through these timeless exercises suitable for all levels. Anita Gaddy has been teaching yoga for over a decade and weaves her love of outdoors into a playful, moving meditation. Wear comfortable clothing and bring an old mat if you have one (we'll have extras). Refreshments provided.

Sustainability Near and Far, Far Away Lecture Series

You will want to hear every one of the four lectures in this new series by science writer and editor, Dick Morel. In addition to contributing to several biology textbooks, he has written articles and formal papers on energy-related topics, including sustainable systems. While each lecture stands alone, the series covers a broad sampling of nature's deep affection for diversifying and renewing, here, and, yes, in galaxies far away.

Please note: All four lectures will take place at Humphreys House at Chattanooga Arboretum and Nature Center at Reflection Riding.

Sustainable FarmingYesterday and Today
Date: Saturday, June 15
Time:  2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Cost:  $10 for members; $12 for non-members 
Venue: Humphreys House
Believe it or not, we were not the first agriculturalists. Farming was going on long before we got here. Sophisticated sustainable agriculture began 55 million years ago. And the first farmers were?? Ants!

These leaf cutters are still going strong today. This presentation will explore the intricate and astonishing goings on, in, and around a leaf cutter ant colony and why E. O. Wilson and Bert Hoelldobler call each colony a super-organism. We'll then move on to human sustainable farming right here in our own backyard where we will discover solar powered cows and more at the Sequatchie Cove Farm and Creamery and the wizardry of intensive sustainable vegetable farming at  Walden Farm. Next time we’ll discover that candle flames, honeybee democracies, and cows operate under the governance of one fundamental and universal law of nature.

Candle Flames, Colonies, and Cows
Date: Saturday, June 22 
Time:  2:00 pm to 4:00 p.m.
Cost:  $10 for members; $12 for non-members 
Venue: Humphreys House
We all know what happens when we light a candle. A recognizable form, a flame, takes shape, and it does so without any further assistance from us. An ordered recognizable form emerges where there was no form before. We’ll find out how the elegance of a simple candle flame reveals the answer to one of the most penetrating questions in all of science—why does order emerge in nature. What do candle flames, honeybee colonies, and cows have in common?  Next time, we’ll discover how the universal principle we discovered here applies to the origin and diversity of life and shapes our place in the biosphere.

Our Biosphere
Date: Saturday, June 29 
Time:  2:00 pm to 4:00 p.m.
Cost:  $10 for members; $12 for non-members 
Venue: Humphreys House
What ignited the spark of life in Earth’s primordial waters? Some biologists estimate that there may be 100 million or more different species of organisms living in today’s biosphere, millions upon millions more over the 4.5 billion year history of life on Earth. 
Five major extinctions wiped out great swaths of species in the geologic past. Each time, the biosphere rendered a new, broad, and diverse repertoire of life.

What secret lies behind the powerful drive toward diversity? Today, scientists have accumulated data strongly suggesting that humans may be the agents of a sixth extinction. What might that mean for us? Will another wiser and environmentally kinder species emerge and take our place? 

The Canoe from Ancient times to Present
Date: Saturday, July 6
Time:  2:00 pm to 4:00 p.m.
Cost:  $20 for members; $25 for non-members 
Venue: Humphreys House
Mike Hills is an avid paddler, canoe collector, wood canvas canoe restorer and ACA instructor. He will share his knowledge of the historical canoe and how he has developed a relationship of deep respect and reverence for this crucial means of transportation from ancient times to present.  This class is for experienced and beginner paddlers, as well as history buffs.  You will see firsthand the wood canvas canoe he constructed and participate in other hands-on experiences. You may never look at a canoe or paddle the same way again!

400 Garden Road, Chattanooga, TN 37419 | (423) 821-1160 | map | directions

  1. https://vinturigallery.com/
  2. https://www.pelumrd.org/
  3. https://www.reachtbnetwork.org/
  4. https://verticalrhythm.org/
  5. https://praznikmimoze.com/
  6. https://chattanoogaanc.org/
  7. https://www.ffbanimalshelter.org/
  8. https://www.climatecostproject.org/
  9. https://marychristiefoundation.org/
  10. https://sunyeye.org/
  11. https://www.aftib.org/
  12. https://www.nspsmo.org/
  13. https://fictiontofashion.com/
  14. https://www.cmu-cisr.org/
  15. https://alansavunmasi.org/
  16. pintarbersamamedan.org
  17. https://pintarbersamamanado.org
  18. https://pintarbersamasorong.org/dana
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